Vocabulous is a website that improves students' English vocabulary skills in Key Stages 2 and 3 English lessons.
Vocabulous uses Latin and Greek root words to teach word patterns. Students use these roots to work out the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary, so that by the end of the programme, they have the skills they need to decipher new words on their own.
For example, the root “scrip-” meaning “write” can help students understand that “inscription”, “manuscript” and “prescription” are all related to writing.
All lessons are fully planned and resourced, with a full-class module teaching the root and quizzes and worksheets for students to complete independently.
By practising puzzling out unknown words, students build habits that can be applied to unfamiliar vocabulary across the curriculum.
There's a video teaching each new root, and videos showing how 8 derivatives come from that root. Each video clearly shows the root, prefixes and suffixes, explains the definition and shows an example picture to help students retain the information.
12 quiz types, all based on vocabulary acquisition research. Students practise different skills, such as breaking down a word into its morphemes, applying root knowledge to a new word and working out which word is appropriate in context.
The words that are taught on Vocabulous are Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary that derive from Latin and Greek roots. Some of the words are quite complex, but we show students that they can work out their meaning from their knowledge of the root.
Students have 10 levels to complete to win the 10 badges, each centred around a Greek God or Goddess. The levels teach 2-3 roots and revise previously learnt material before awarding a badge. Teachers can pace their students' progress by unlocking elements in order.
In the learning module, there is a series of videos and questions, which teach the root and 8 of its derivatives, and then ask students to answer questions so they are engaging with the material straight away. In this question, students have to identify the root within a word.
There's a clear structure to learning each root. First, the Learn module is completed either individually or as a class. Then, students individually complete 6 quizzes, each testing different skills. Finally, students can rewatch the videos to revise.
Students can see how many stars they've achieved, as well as their highest and lowest root. They can select their avatar and see where they are on the class leaderboard. As they complete different levels, the badges along the bottom light up.
One of the hardest quiz types asks students to use the context of a sentence to work out which one is missing the given word. When the correct answer is selected, that tile disappears. This is building important reading comprehension skills.
What does a Vocabulous lesson look like?
1. Learn the root or prefix of the week as a class using the Learn module. Through a series of videos and prompt questions, a root and its derivatives are explicitly taught and immediately applied in scenarios. Put up your root of the week poster too!
2. Students log in and complete quizzes independently, either on devices in class or at home as part of their homework. They win stars for correct answers, and are awarded badges for completing levels.
3. Assess progress either by class, by root or by student. Celebrate success with printable certificates and bookmarks.
4. Revisit previously learnt roots by completing optional paper worksheets or watching the Revise videos. An ideal starter activity for later in the week!
Teacher testimonial
We found out about Vocabulous through Classics for All. We currently teach Latin to year groups 3 - 6 in our Juniors and have been rolling this out over the past 3 years. We decided to incorporate Vocabulous for our Year 6 cohort in addition to their spelling program.
The children love the familiar format of Vocabulous, the informative videos, use of symbols to support learning, the quizzes and the character profiles. We've noticed that it has been a great help in our SPaG lessons, thinking about root words, prefixes and suffixes, and great for tackling unfamiliar vocabulary in a range of subjects. The children absolutely loved it when they heard the word 'cacophony' in our class reader Who Let The Gods Out and told the supply teacher with great confidence what it meant and how they knew it!
Personally, I love how easy the website is to manoeuvre and how organised it is! The resources are great and we have put some of the root word stars on our Latin display to show which we have learnt and refer back to them in a range of subjects.
Altogether, we are thrilled to have found it and will definitely be subscribing next year!
Lauren Saint, Year 6 Teacher at Riddings Junior School

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We're also happy to answer questions via email at info@vocabulous.co.uk.

Subscriptions include:
- Individual website login for each student and unlimited teacher accounts
- Over 400 instructional videos and quizzes
- Access to printable resources such as "root of the week" posters and certificates
- Plus much more!
How can Vocabulous be used in schools?
Many vocabulary programmes teach lists of words and focus on learning their definitions. Vocabulous teaches the root patterns that make up English words, and trains students to use these patterns to work out unfamiliar words.
By learning these patterns and how to identify them in new words, students are able to work from pre-existing knowledge to new understanding. This is key for them to be able to expand their own vocabulary outside of the website.
Latin and Greek make up the foundations of around 60% of English vocabulary, and in some fields, such as science or technology, this figure is closer to 90%. Vocabulous teaches 26 Latin and Greek roots that give rise to around 1,000 English words. By learning one root from Latin or Greek, students will be able to work out the meaning of 20+ English words that derive from the root.
Vocabulous is designed to give students greater morphological awareness, which is the ability to break down words into prefixes, roots and suffixes. Vocabulous applies this principle to English vocabulary, teaching a small number of word parts (or morphemes, such as roots and prefixes) and showing students how they can use these parts to work out complex new words in English. This is a skill that can be transferred to any subject lesson.
Recent Ofsted publications have highlighted the importance of vocabulary acquisition for progression in all aspects of English, and specifically mentioned the benefit of learning Latin and Greek roots and etymology. Vocabulous is a ready-to-use programme which is not only fun for students, but gives teachers the resources they need to be confident teaching etymology and morphology.
Vocabulous provides over 30 fully-planned and resourced lessons a year, featuring over 400 videos and quizzes, with accompanying extension worksheets. This means that teachers are supported to incorporate explicit vocabulary instruction as part of their regular English lessons.
Vocabulous is founded by Lucy Huelin, a Latin and Classics teacher turned EdTech entrepreneur based in York. Lucy won the Let Teachers SHINE competition in 2021 with her website, Vocabulous, and has since been working hard to bring some of the key benefits from learning ancient languages to students across the country as part of their English learning.
Prior to founding Vocabulous, Lucy studied Classics at the University of Oxford and became a Chartered Accountant before working as a Latin and Classics teacher in Yorkshire.
Caitlin Mackinder is supporting the development of Vocabulous’ regional training programmes, working to recruit more schools and develop the curriculum for KS2 and KS3. With a background in teaching, school leadership, and teacher development in both the UK and USA, she brings extensive experience in evidence-based education. Caitlin is passionate about improving literacy and learning outcomes, particularly for disadvantaged students.
Vocabulous is proud to be funded by The SHINE Trust, an education charity based in Leeds, through their Let Teachers SHINE competition. Let Teachers SHINE offers up to £25,000 over two years to teachers with brilliant ideas to help disadvantaged children in the North of England succeed in English, maths or science. Vocabulous was first awarded funding in 2021 and has since received follow-on funding from SHINE to bring the website to more students across the country.
Vocabulous was awarded £6,000 funding from the Christ Church Research Centre, Oxford, to undertake a pilot research study into the impact of learning Latin via technology.
Professor Arlene Holmes-Henderson led this research trial, which evaluated the impact that use of the Vocabulous website has on students’ understanding and retention of English vocabulary. To find out more, click here.